Open-source projects
A collection of sample images useful for testing and debugging EXIF orientation issues. See this post for more information.
pivotal-to-trello is a command-line tool for importing a Pivotal Tracker project into Trello .
Jekyll Plugins
A collection of Jekyll plugins and generators that I've written for use on this site. Currently there are generators for creating sitemaps, category pages and project pages, with more to come.
jQuery Simple Color is a very simple color-picker plugin that displays a square grid of selectable colors. A light alternative to the other color picker plugins.
jQuery-i18n is a plugin designed to simplify client-side translations in javascript.
chef-pulseaudio is a Chef cookbook for installing the PulseAudio sound system for POSIX OSes.
Contributions to other projects
terraform-provider-vercel is a Terraform provider for setting up Vercel applications via Infrastructure-as-Code. I fixed an issue deleting environment variables .
terraform-provider-herokux is a Terraform provider for setting up Heroku applications via Infrastructure-as-Code. I fixed a small documentation issue .
is a Go client library for accessing the GitHub REST API, maintained by Google.
I added support for
some missing fields
in the commit
I fixed an issue in the Github documentation , so that the change could trickle down into the auto-generated Typescript definitions of the webhook.js package, fixing an incorrect Typescript type there.
Nivo is a popular graphing and visualization library based on React and d3 . I added support for patterned fills to AreaBump graphs.
goffmpeg is an FFMPEG wrapper written in Go . I added support for compression_level, map_metadata and metadata options.
Formik is a library for implementing forms in React . I updated outdated examples which no longer work.
graphql-ruby implements GraphQL for use in Ruby & Rails. I fixed an example in the documentation.
clubhouse_ruby is a lightweight Ruby wrapper for the Clubhouse REST API. I added support for searching stories .
fb_graph is the ruby client for the Facebook Graph API . I added support for the v2 permissions format .
is a wrapper on top of
that simplifies redux
code and makes a lot of the boilerplate code unnecessary.
I fixed a
data nesting issue
that occured after
requests when using
influxdb-ruby is the ruby client for the InfluxDB time series database. I added support for listing retention policies , writing points with retention policies , and fixed an issue where certain types of queries were throwing exceptions rather than returning empty results.
heroku-bouncer is a Rack middleware for integrating Heroku Oauth login into ruby applications. I added support for passing a refresh-token when logging in.
I wrote the front-end of the Clutch web interface for the Transmission bittorrent client. It provides a native-desktop torrent experience via the web, and is now a part of the core Transmission application, as well as being packaged with Ubuntu.s
Octopress is a framework built on top of Jekyll, the blog aware static site generator powering Github Pages. It includes my category page generator plugin.
Rails Best Practices
rails_best_practices is a code metric tool to check the quality of rails code. I added an exclude option to allow exclusion of certain file types from analysis.
Dragonfly is a Rails library for on-the-fly processing of uploads. I added a case_sensitive option to allow the upload of files with upper-case (or mixed-case) file extensions.
Friendly ID
friendly_id is a Rails library that allows you to create pretty URLs using strings rather than object IDs. I fixed an issue that was breaking the uniqueness validator in Rails.
Ripple is a rich Ruby client for Riak. Basho's distributed database. I fixed a namespacing issue in the Hash implementation.
Consular is a tool to automate development workflow setup in the terminal. I added support for the iTerm terminal on OSX.
Jasmine Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. I fixed a minor documentation issue .
Doctrine is an object relational mapper for PHP. I fixed an issue migrating fields to accept null values.
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP, inspired by node's npm and ruby's bundler. It includes a JSON pretty-printer that I wrote.
Roundcube is a browser-based IMAP client with an application-like user interface. I submitted a patch implementing collapsible folders to make browsing email easier.
Older projects is a simple application for OS X that clears all your growl notifications. It's useful in conjunction with application launchers such as LaunchBar or Alfred to quickly clear your screen.
From The Cache
From The Cache is a weekend project that provides transparent access to the Google cache via a web app. It is designed for screen-scraping scripts to reduce load on target sites by utilizing the Google cache.
Rails Kitchen Sink
Rails Kitchen Sink is designed to provide a solid skeleton to base your next rails project on, and includes everything you'll need to dive straight in and get started.
Trac GanttCalendar plugin
The GanttCalendar plugin adds ticket Gantt chart and calendar functionality to Trac. It's an English version of the Japanese plugin from the Shibuya Trac project.