2013-03-28 Update : This project is very dated, and I don’t recommend it’s use. It’s now hosted on GitHub.
I’m happy to announce the release of Rails Kitchen Sink a rails-project-starter, which I’ll be building all future Rails apps off of.
It includes everything I commonly need when starting a new project, such as registration, login, password reset, authorization, HAML, SASS, CoffeeSript etc.
You can view the demo at http://railskitchensink.com/ or download it from the project page and try it out for yourself.
I’m considering including support for a couple of recurring-billing companies, but not sure if the interest is there - please let me know if you would find this useful. It would probably involve writing a separate gem to abstract out the details and provide a common billing interface.
As always, contributions (particularly translations) are much appreciated!