This plugin is very similar to the built-in Rails ‘caches_page’ functionality, except it caches to memcached rather than a file. It relies on the ‘memcached_pass’ nginx directive to serve pages directly from memory if possible, and only passes to rails if necessary. On my server I’ve seen a 75% reduction in Ruby memory usage using this technique.
This approach is quite heavy-handed, and works best when the content you are serving changes rarely. If you have highly dynamic content, you’re probably better off developing your own, more finely-grained caching. It won’t work if the pages you are serving have some kind of user-specific info in the page (eg. the logged-in user name in the page header).
- Install a couple of memcache gems
> sudo gem install memcache-client
> sudo gem install Ruby-MemCache
- Copy memcaches_page.rb into the ’lib’ directory of your rails app.
- Add the following to the bottom of your environment.rb :
require 'memcaches_page'
memcache_options = {
:c_threshold => 10_000,
:compression => true,
:debug => false,
:namespace => '',
:readonly => false,
:urlencode => false
MemcachedPageKeyPrefix = '/code'
MemcachedPageTtl = 604800
Cache = memcache_options
Cache.servers = 'localhost:11211'
A few things to note : ** Set the namespace to something appropriate for your app - you’ll need it later when you set up nginx. ** The MemcachedPageKeyPrefix should be set if you run your Rails app from a subfolder - leave blank otherwise. ** The MemcachedPageTtl is the time-to-live (in seconds) in the cache - I set it for a week which is fairly excessive - you probably only need a few hours, depending on what you’re trying to achieve. ** Point Cache.servers at the server/port you are running memcached on.
- To cache every action in a controller, add the following filter to any controllers you want to cache :
after_filter :memcache_page
Alternatively, add the following line near the top of your controller to cache specific actions only (where ‘view’ and ’list’ are actions you want to cache :
memcaches_page :view, :list
When the page is rendered, the memcaches_page plugin will kick in, and save a copy of the page to your memcache. Rails never uses this cached version directly - in section (7), you’ll configure nginx to check the cache before passing requests to Apache.
- Install phusion passenger
> sudo gem install passenger
> passenger-install-apache2-module
- Configure apache - For example, I run wordpress on my main domain (, and a rails app (Redmine) in Apache is configured with the following settings for the domain :
RailsBaseURI /code
PassengerMaxPoolSize 3
PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 2
PassengerPoolIdleTime 120
For the complete config, see apache_example.conf
- Configure nginx - for the complete config, see nginx_example.conf . The important sections for our purposes are : ** Set up a ‘backend’ service called ‘apache’ to pass requests to:
upstream apache {
** Catch requests to the ‘/code’ subdirectory, and try to serve them from the cache:
location /code {
if ($request_method = POST) {
proxy_pass http://apache;
default_type "text/html; charset=utf-8";
set $memcached_key "$uri";
error_page 404 502 = @backend;
This does a couple of things :
If the request is a POST, serve from Apache and ignore the cache
Set the memcached key to lookup, and serve the page directly from memcached if possible (memcached_pass directive).
*** If the page is not in the cache, pass the request back to the ‘backend’. Make sure the part of the key matches what you set as the :namespace in step (3)! ** Set up the ‘backend’ proxy that passes to apache:
location @backend {
proxy_pass http://apache;