You can use PHP’s get_browser() function to find out information about user’s browsers, but it takes a little setting up.
- Download a browscap file from . I found lite_php_browscap.ini good enough for my needs, but depending on what you want you might want a different version.
- Save it somewhere sensible on the server - I put it in /usr/lib64/php/extras/browscap.ini on our 64-bit server.
- Edit php.ini, and add the following line section (or edit it if it’s already there) :``` bash [browscap] browscap = /usr/lib64/php/extras/browscap.ini
* Now restart apache``` bash
$ sudo apachectl restart
- Now if you use the get_browser() function, it should return something like the following :``` php stdClass Object ( [browser_name_regex] => ^mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; .; .mac os x.; .rv:1.9.) gecko/.$ [browser_name_pattern] => Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; ?; Mac OS X; rv:1.9) Gecko/ [parent] => Mozilla 1.9 [platform] => MacOSX [browser] => Mozilla [version] => 1.9 [majorver] => 1 [minorver] => 9 [alpha] => 1 [frames] => 1 [iframes] => 1 [tables] => 1 [cookies] => 1 [javaapplets] => 1 [javascript] => 1 [css] => 2 [cssversion] => 2 [supportscss] => 1 [beta] => [win16] => [win32] => [win64] => [backgroundsounds] => [authenticodeupdate] => [cdf] => [vbscript] => [activexcontrols] => [stripper] => [isbanned] => [wap] => [ismobiledevice] => [issyndicationreader] => [crawler] => [aol] => [aolversion] => 0 [netclr] => [clrversion] => 0 )